Saturday, 30 October 2010

Kitten weights - Click on the graph to enlarge it

New movie

The video quality hasn't come out so well this time but you can see the difference in the head markings of the two Usual girls - Star and Wiggle. Not sure whether that noise is purring or some strange thing the camera added.

October 29th - 30th

I worried yesterday (29th). The kittens seemed fine. In fact development was evident. They were sleeping on their sides as well as their stomachs, and holding their heads up more. However when I weighed them in the evening they hadn't put on much weight, only a couple of grams instead of the usual 12. So this morning I went to the vet to get kitten milk just in case, and have been feeding Hattie even more food. Looks like she will eat 6 packets of Gourmet Perle today, plus as much dried food as she fancies. Seems to have done the trick because the weights are much better tonight. And the big news is that the largest sorrel boy has opened an eye. According to the books he should have at least waited until tomorrow (8 days old)

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Today's pictures

News on 27th October

Well the two Usuals are girls, and the two Sorrels are boys. For more information on Abyssian cat colours see the breed club web sites at and Life would have been easier if there was a boy and a girl in each colour, but at least I can tell the difference betreen the two Usual girls now, by the marks on their foreheads.

I'm calling this one "Star" for the moment, and the other one will be "Wiggle". Have been finding out about registering them and because I haven't a breeder's prefix they will get one automatically allocated by the GCCF. It will be "Abecish"

Monday, 25 October 2010

Mum and kittens on October 25th

What happened on October 23rd

What happened next

More food, more sleeping, and more Hattie - Fattie Hattie

What happened this summer

Hattie went to Telford to visit Sam - well Imperial Grand Champion Brunnbackens Sambesi, - and stayed there for about 3 weeks. She came back PREGNANT

Hattie when she was little

Hattie grew fast and moved fast. She was curious about guests, and did very well in her first show - but not so well after that because she decided she didn't like judges

Friday, 8 October 2010

Hattie's History

Hattie Wavetail was born in 2009, in a wardrobe in Derbyshire. She has illustrious parents, her mum is Wavetail Eloise, her dad is Scottish and is called Pontaby Maldini. She was one of 6 kittens

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

The Cats I have to live with

Yes, fairly dangerous looking as they lounge about in their sloth, .. waiting for me to turn my back so they can get at my food!

The big eyed carpet hugger is Mr Giggs and the sofa tart is Avon Lady.

They are definitely in league