Monday, 24 October 2011

I've noticed all the videos aren't working, and am trying to find out why. Could be cat hair I guess.
UPDATE: They work on some people's computers, but not on mine

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Hattie and Star together

Star and Hattie doing some mutual grooming after a wrestling session. Here it's Hattie that's getting the wash.

New pictures of Christian (Big Boy) August 2011

Christian weighs more than his Bengal friend despite being smaller. His owner says "he is such a friendly happy cat and anyone who sees him admires him".

Sunday, 12 June 2011

What happened to Hattie's kittens

The kittens were 3 months old last week in January and 3 of them were sold then. You can find pictures of them in their new homes on the blog. "Star", a usual girl, didn't sell then and we have decided to keep her. We had offers from abroad but I wasn't sure about putting her on a plane. She's very affectionate and she and Hattie play together a lot. She's part of the family now. Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them

Merseyside Cat Show June 4th, Ellesmere Port - How did they do?

WAVETAIL HATTIE This girl was very uptight & gave the impression that she was likely to explode at any minute. Rather light weight requiring more body substance, slender limbs, neat spoon shaped paws, broader base to the tapering tail. Head needs to show more gentle rounding to the contours, rather fine muzzle, gentle rounding to her brow, hint of break, some rise on the nose, chin needs more depth, bite not checked. Good larger ears but very mobile with temper. Eyes green, flashing indignation, slanted almond. Her coat was rather long, slight resistance so not unduly soft. Well ticked on the body, good facial markings, some heel markings, black tail tip. Colour quite a pleasing degree of warmth to the undercoat, ruddy colour on the chest tummy & inside the legs, some muzzle & chin paling detracted. Condition okay, but extremely tense.

ADELFSH HATTIE'S STAR - Usual Abyssinian Kitten, Female.
1st. & BOB. Well grown and stylish youngster. The head has a good contoured wedge, the ears are large and well set. Good profile line, good chin depth. Expressive well shaped eyes, good bright hazel in colour. Good coat texture, good rich ruddy base colouring and underparts. The ticking is very well defined. Lithe well grown body, the limbs and tapering tail are all in good proportions.

...........Compare with Abyssinian Cat Association below

Monday, 2 May 2011

News from France about Wiggle - now "Foxy Lady"

Foxy went to France with Bella, a Siamese kitten, and has fitted in well with a household of other dogs and cats, and hens

Looks like she's got the dog organised

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Abyssinian Cat Association Show April 2011

Star's first show (Pen 19) and she was up against strong competition in the largest Open class in the show. She won a 1st, a 2nd, a 3rd and a 4th, which at least meant a good range of colours for her rosettes. Glendavan Kookaburra won the Usual female kitten class and went on to be considered for Best in Show. Star behaved very well and was happy to be carried around seeing the other people and cats, but was judged not to have a warm enough base colour yet. (It's developing). Hattie (Pen 5) did very well indeed, despite being next door to a restless male cat, which she found distracting. She got her first Champion Certificate, and got two other Firsts and a 2nd.

Judge Mrs L Ashmore's comments on Hattie:

1 CC
............. WAVETAIL HATTIE
Pleasing type with nicely rounded muzzle. Expressive eyes and well placed ears of good size. Good body, limbs and tail. Coat fairly short and close lying but with some resiliance. Paler colouring but showing nice clear ticking. Some pale fur on chin. Some slightly dark roots at the back of her neck. Sweet girl who handled well.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Big Boy - now Christian - in his new home

Christian seems to have
settled in well with Baboo, a one year old Bengal

Little Boy - now Edelweiss - in his new home

Apparently Edelweiss prefers freshly cooked salmon for breakfast
. He looks very much at home in his castle

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Only two left at home

Two of the kittens, Edelweiss (Little Boy) and Wiggle, have gone to their new owners. Pictures to follow. Hattie doesn't really seem to have noticed. Meanwhile here is some video of the remaining two.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Recent pictures

Hattie looking wise

Big Boy
in a bag

Wiggle left and Star right, just after Wiggle went for her passport;

Little Boy (Edelweiss) having a wash

Big Boy doing what he's good at and above him Star trying to look grownup

Monday, 10 January 2011

Little and Large

Star with Giggs - who is not Abyssinian. he's a ticked tabby Asian

Monday, 3 January 2011

The boys

Big boy left, little boy right. Just fed them all some raw lamb. Girls were keener than the boys, but all relished the chewing, and three of them growled. Fierce noise for a little cat.

The girls

Left picture: Wiggle on the left. Star on the right
Right picture: Wiggle and her mum