Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Recent pictures

Hattie looking wise

Big Boy
in a bag

Wiggle left and Star right, just after Wiggle went for her passport;

Little Boy (Edelweiss) having a wash

Big Boy doing what he's good at and above him Star trying to look grownup

Monday, 10 January 2011

Little and Large

Star with Giggs - who is not Abyssinian. he's a ticked tabby Asian

Monday, 3 January 2011

The boys

Big boy left, little boy right. Just fed them all some raw lamb. Girls were keener than the boys, but all relished the chewing, and three of them growled. Fierce noise for a little cat.

The girls

Left picture: Wiggle on the left. Star on the right
Right picture: Wiggle and her mum